Monday, 29 March 2010

Photoshop Images - Part 4

Original Image
Edited Image

Photoshop Images - Part 3

Original Image

Edited Image

Photoshop Images - Part 2

Original Image

Edited Image

Photoshop Images - Part 1

Original Image

Edited Image

Monday, 22 February 2010


Shutter Speed - How fast the shutter opens and closes to let light into the camera.
Aperture - How big the opening of the lens is to let light in.
Exposure - The amount of light that reaches the digital camera's sensor.

Monday, 8 February 2010

How A Camera Works

Capture - reflected light from an object passes into a camera and then onto a light sensitive surface.
Process - The captured image is turned into something we can see.
Store - The image is put onto something we can keep, such as a printed photograph.

Analogue Photography
1. Light enters the camera through the lens.
2. Light hits the light sensitive film and reacts with it.
3. The film is removed from the camera and put into chemicals for developing into negative.
4. Negative projected onto photographic paper and printed, using more chemicals.

Digital Photography
1. Light enters the camera through the lens and hits the light sensitive sensor.
2. The signal from the sensor is converted into digital data by a processor.
3. Digital data is stored as an image on a storage medium in the camera.

Transferring images to the computer.
- Removable Card
- WiFi
- Bluetooth

JPEG - when a captured image is turned into a JPEG, though the quality is sacrificed for a reduction in the size of the file - consequently this is known as a "lossy" process.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Photo Ethics

Since photography was created in 1826, people have been able to edit and change those photographs to remove or add scenery and people.
Throughout history people have manipulated photographs to give the public a biased or different view than they would usually see. Photographs help those in multiple countries see what is happening around the world, however to get a stronger effect, photographers edit images to give a stronger image than what was previously shot.

They say an image speaks a thousand words which is true in all honesty. You can look at a short video and then look at an image which was taken of one of the videos clips and you feel a stronger pull for the image. You have more time to look an interpret what you are seeing, however with digital editing, you don't always get to see the true view.

Photo manipulation was used back in war times and is what we now see on the front of gossip magazines.

This image above is of Stalin; one of which has him standing alone beside the river, the other including an image of a water commissar. This water commissar is known as Nikolai Yezhov, he fell from power and was later shot. Stalin had him removed from his photographs.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Semiotics and Representation

Semiotics: the study of signs and images.
Representations: to present the original idea, with some reconstruction.

Semiotics is the study of signs and images. It allows media texts to be taken apart and deconstructed to show how meanings are created. Semiotics shows that meaning develops, at the simplest level.

Denotations: the single basic, or literal meaning.
Connotations: signs/codes/images are placed into a particular context.